

Railway industry is subject to strict normative and functional standards both for rolling stock and infrastructure. Guaranteed electrical safety and reliable availability represent preconditions for smooth railroad operations. This applies to locomotives and wagons just as much as to signaling systems, signal boxes, tunnels and bridge constructions. This means that system solutions are needed to ensure the continuous monitoring of electrical equipment and railroad facilities. Early warnings enable troubleshooting before critical conditions arise.

Solution requirements

  • Usability
  • Equipment safety
  • Preventive fault information
  • Solution that meets standards

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Kimmo Ilves

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09 774 642 25
050 468 3253

Suitable solutions

Key transfer systems for rugged outdoor environments

The key transfer system combines the advantages of none wiring, mechanical safety with electrical safety. Modular interlocking system STS is type-tested in accordance with the legal requirements and is suitable as a stand-alone system for use in safety applications up to Cat. 4 / PL e in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1 without fault exclusion.

Mechanical coding and robust stainless steel construction is especially meant for use in extreme ambient temperatures or hostile conditions, e.g. dust, moisture, dirt, etc. While all locking units of the system can be built as fully mechanical key transfer system is optional solution for ex. outdoor uses such as harbor areas. As a result, large number of difficult dangerous applications can be safeguarded by using DOLD STS key transfer system.

The signal of an existing speed encoder is decoupled and made available for other applications.

The process is non-interacting in accordance with safety level SIL 2. The speed encoder signal is neither influenced nor interfered with on its way to the evaluator. P 16000 sensors meet all the current standards for use in rolling stock – whether it’s shock and vibration, EMC, temperature range or fire protection.

A speed signal duplicator, suitable for front-end and retrofit installations, reduces the number of speed sensors.

Use of the P 16800 simplifies the retrofitting of rolling stock with control systems that require speed information, or makes such retrofitting possible in the first place. In new vehicles, the number of speed sensors can also be reduced, which optimizes acquisition and maintenance costs.

Substations for DC power supply and the grid sections they supply must be effectively safeguarded against short circuits.

The protective device must measure current and voltage in order to execute algorithms for short-circuit detection. This requires high voltage transducers that measure quickly and precisely while withstanding high loads. Our high-voltage transducers meet the requirements for measurement and signal processing.

  • VariTrans P 41000 is for current measurement via shunt resistor.
  • VariTrans P 41000 AG is for current measurement in normal operation and measurement of large overcurrents occurring in the event of a fault via shunt resistor.
  • VariTrans P 42000 is for direct voltage measurement up to 3000/3600 V DC.

Substations for DC power supply and the grid sections they supply must be effectively safeguarded against short circuits.

The protective device must measure current and voltage in order to execute algorithms for short-circuit detection. This requires high voltage transducers that measure quickly and precisely while withstanding high loads. Our high-voltage transducers meet the requirements for measurement and signal processing.

  • VariTrans P 41000 is for current measurement via shunt resistor.
  • VariTrans P 41000 AG is for current measurement in normal operation and measurement of large overcurrents occurring in the event of a fault via shunt resistor.
  • VariTrans P 42000 is for direct voltage measurement up to 3000/3600 V DC.

Substations for DC power supply and the grid sections they supply must be effectively safeguarded against short circuits.

The protective device must measure current and voltage in order to execute algorithms for short-circuit detection. This requires high voltage transducers that measure quickly and precisely while withstanding high loads. Our high-voltage transducers meet the requirements for measurement and signal processing.

  • VariTrans P 41000 is for current measurement via shunt resistor.
  • VariTrans P 41000 AG is for current measurement in normal operation and measurement of large overcurrents occurring in the event of a fault via shunt resistor.
  • VariTrans P 42000 is for direct voltage measurement up to 3000/3600 V DC.

The most space saving high voltage transducer for rolling stock.

The P 45000 -series transducers are designed for measuring high DC and AC voltages on heavy vehicles, especially rolling stock. Application examples include the monitoring and control of traction motors or the monitoring of DC link voltage in traction power converters or on-board power converters. Space-saving, especially with stacked mounting.

Energy measurement systems for rolling stock must fulfill the EN 50463 standard.

Without precise, reliable current and voltage measurement, recorded consumption data is not useful enough. ProLine P 51000 and P 52000 were systematically developed according to EN 50463 standard. In addition, they are immune to all regular interference. The result: consistently high data quality.

  • P 51000 is for current measurement via shunt resistor.
  • P 52000 is for direct voltage measurement up to 4200 V DC.

Energy measurement systems for rolling stock must fulfill the EN 50463 standard.

Without precise, reliable current and voltage measurement, recorded consumption data is not useful enough. ProLine P 51000 and P 52000 were systematically developed according to EN 50463 standard. In addition, they are immune to all regular interference. The result: consistently high data quality.

  • P 51000 is for current measurement via shunt resistor.
  • P 52000 is for direct voltage measurement up to 4200 V DC.

Reliable measurement of DC currents up to the kA range with a high level of accuracy.

Maconic shunt resistors are carefully manufactured using high-quality materials. The resistor bars are made of manganin, a special manganese-copper-nickel alloy, so that a very low temperature coefficient is achieved. Dimensioning and mechanical construction are selected so that the resistors only heat up slightly up to the rated current.

With the help of Dold insulation monitor, faulty devices can be detected before the actual fault that leads to a downtime occurs.

Various relays monitor the operation of electricity distribution networks and the devices connected to them. Current monitor relays are used for monitoring the insulation of earthed networks. Insulation monitoring relays are suitable for monitoring non-earthed less than 1000 V AC and DC as well as voltage-free networks.

DOLD offers custom solutions for the monitoring of electrical variables such as current, voltage, power, resistance, et cetera.

The measuring relays report error conditions and thus offer increased protection even for complex systems as well a ensure an optimal production process. LEDs on the front of the device provide you with optimal information about the current condition. Available are both mono-functional and multifunctional relays.

Raideliikenteen energian mittausjärjestelmien tulee täyttää standardin EN 50463 -vaatimukset.

Ilman tarkkaa ja luotettavaa virran ja jännitteen mittausta tallennettu data ei ole tarpeeksi luotettavaa. Proline P5100 on suunniteltu EN 50463 -standardin mukaisiin vaatimuksiin. Se on immuuni kaikelle normaalille häiriölle, antaen korkealaatuista mitattavaa energian kulutukseen liittyvää dataa.  


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Dold pistokantaiset piirikorttireleet ja salpareleet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Dold -eristyksenvartijoiden avulla vikaantuvat laitteistot havaitaan ennen kuin varsinainen käyttökatkokseen johtava vika syntyy

Erilaisilla mittareleillä valvotaan sähkönjakeluverkkojen ja niihin kytkettyjen laitteiden toimintaa. Vikavirran valvontareleet ovat tarkoitettu maadoitettujen verkkojen eristyksen valvontaan. Eristystason valvontareleet soveltuvat maadoittamattomien alle 1000 V AC ja DC sekä jännitteettömien verkkojen valvontaan.

Dold tarjoaa kustomoituja ratkaisuja sähköisten erilaisten sähköisten suureiden , kuten esimerkiksi virtojen, jännitteiden, voimsyötönsyötön tai resistentin valvontaan.

LED-paneeli laitteen etupaneelissa antaa jatkuvasti ajankohtaista tilatietoa. Näin ne varmistavat  prosessin optimaalisen sujuvuuden.  Mittaus- ja valvontareleet antavat välittömän tilatiedon vikatilanteissa ja siten ne nostavat myös monimutkaisten järjstelmien suojaustasoa. Saatavilla on sekä yksi- että monitoimisia releitä.

STS-siirtoavainjärjestelmä soveltuu vaarallisen koneen ovien ja luukkujen lukitukseen. Modulaarisella rakenteella voidaan toteuttaa huoltoalueen suojaus sovelluskohtaisesti.

STS täyttää Cat 4 / PL e -tason vaatimukset EN 13849-1 standardin mukaisesti. Siirtoavainjärjestelmän mekaanisen koodauksen ansiosta ovien lukitukset eivät vaadi sähköistä asennusta. STS-järjestelmän modulaarinen rakenne voidaan toteuttaa sovelluskohtaisesti. STS soveltuu laitteiden suojauksiin, joissa johdottaminen on haastavaa ja sähkölaitteiden asentaminen suojattavan laitteen ympäristöön on hankalaa. Mekaanisen koodausratkaisun ansiosta järjestelmän kunnossapito on yksinkertaisempaa, sillä järjestelmä ei ole altis sähköiselle vikaantumiselle.