Safety key system CKS2

In combination with highly coded, transponder-based keys, the key adapter CKS2 forms a safe system that meets the highest safety requirements for machine and installation lockout and starting. Thanks to the integrated evaluation electronics, the compact CKS2 system can solve many tasks for you. The CKS2 system can be integrated into installations with the highest safety requirements, such as category 4 / PL e according to EN ISO 13849-1. CKS2 can be used in an installation either individually as a compact system with integrated evaluation electronics or separately as a submodule in the MGB2 Modular door locking system.

Keys are taught-in directly on the key adapter, without complex programming. When the key is inserted into the key adapter, the data on the key are read and checked for validity. If the key is recognized as valid, the safety outputs switch. Depending on the specific application, the key can be left in place or removed during automatic operation.

The CKS2 system is a FlexFunction device enabling various applications depending on the key version. As a lockout system, key transfer system or authorization system, the CKS2 system is the right choice wherever dangerous machine movements must be safely started or stopped independently of the existing safeguards.

CKS2 MSM can be connected to MGB2 Modular safety locking system in which case the key system can be linked to PROFINET / PROFIsafe, EtherCAT / EtherCAT FSoE or EtherCAT P / Ether CAT FSoE by using the bus module MBM.

  • Achieves the highest possible safety level: Cat. 4 / PL e according to EN ISO 13849-1
  • Starting dangerous machine movements is not possible when the key is withdrawn
  • Can be used as a lockout system, key transfer system or authorization system
  • FlexFunction enables individual or group coding of the transponder key
  • CKS2 MSM can be connected to MGB2 Modular safety locking system in which case the key system can be linked to PROFINET / PROFIsafe, EtherCAT / EtherCAT FSoE or EtherCAT P / Ether CAT FSoE


CKS2 featured in the article: MGB2 Modular + CKS2 / Automated logistics center

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