Wirewound tubular resistors, T100

  • Enclosures made from hot galvanised sheet steel.
  • In degree of protection IP 00 with threaded rods, fastening brackets or side-panels.
  • In degree of protection IP 20 with enclosures for horizontal and vertical mounting, connection on terminals.
  • Power dissipation 10 W to 6 kW.
  • Clips to adjust resistance value for change and/or adaption or trimming by the user
  • Operating temperature -30°C to +40°C


  • Braking resistors for frequency converters and DC drives.
  • Load resistors for supply units, power packs, UPS units and generators.
  • Resistors for current and coltage limitations e.g. for charging and discharging of capacitors.
  • Field rheostats for generators.

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